So I wanted to show off my stamp space with my new Decor Elements!! Isn't it so great?! It was simple to do...I talked my hubby into helping me put it up because I wasn't willing to move my stamp table and deal with the mess and putting it back...so I had to have his longer arms to reach over the table up to the wall! He was a sweet guy to help...and after he was done he smiled and said "Can I go to bed now? This is an hour of my life I will never get back!" Silly guy! I am going to have to be careful though...my first reaction is to buy all the new items and plaster my house...but I will resist and just maybe add a few more things later down the road...so that my house doesn't look like one big sticker book!
Also...I got a few tags from some super talented ladies out there...so I thought I would play along and then tag a few more incredibly talented ladies! So here goes!...

The fabulous ladies that tagged me are
Angel...she is a super duper talented stampers...and she is now my neighbor!
Kim...I found Kim after she found me...her blog is still new to me but I have loved what I have seen so far!
Mauna...also a talented stampin' lady, new to me, and everything I've seen is sooo cute!
Linda...not only does she make the cutest things...she is entertaining too...I love readin' her blog!
Ok...so 7 random things!...hmmm
#1 I am more like
Monk than I care to admit...my hubby will call me out on it all the time too...he will say "You are being a little Monkish right now!"
#2 I was married 4 months after graduating high school to my high school sweetheart...and I am more in love with him now than ever! {I know mushy love stuff!} After all we have been through, if he can still stand to be with me, I am not letting him go!! :)
#3 I am a baby hog and proud to be...I love the newborn stage and since I have decided 4 kids is all I am fit to take care {if even that some days} I will take any baby I can get my hands on and for however long I can get away with it! I love to hold and cuddle and kiss those babies!! I am always reluctant to give them back up to their own moms!
#4 I am a taco fanatic! I would eat them for every meal, every day! I won many a taco eating contest in my jr. high & high school days!! mmm...just writing this makes me think we will have tacos tonight for dinner! Oh and I am not above a taco eating contest now either!...I will eat you right under the table...bring it!
#5 I crave chocolate the most, first thing in the morning! I almost always have a small little handful of chocolate chips in the morning to get my day going! We are never without chocolate chips for that reason...it's a staple in my house...like bread and water!
#6 I love, love, love to dance and listen to music!
#7 I am the oldest of 7 kids! I know my mom is a brave woman!...she is the uber mom! I like being the oldest...my brothers and sisters always thought I was too bossy...a few years ago I found a great sign I proudly hang in my house that says... "I am not bossy, my ideas are just better than yours!"
Ok...so I am now supposed to tag 7 people...so here they are...check out these incredibly talented ladies...it will be worth the trip!
Stampin with RoxySara
Desperate StamperTiffany
Hook'd Ink'd & Stamp'dNancy
Stamping MomentsEmily
celebrating the may.hem although this one isn't a stamping blog...she is crafty and makes darling signs for your house!...so she gets this award too!