Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Father's Day Wallet

Good Wednesday morning! I got lots of good sleep last schedule isn't as busy as it has been and I am heading to Archiver's with a friend later...should be a great day!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all of you who made my first year of blogging so much fun!!! I have loved reading comments & getting feedback on projects. BUT even more than that I have loved meeting so many of you out there in bloggerland! I feel like I have made some great friends!! Ya'll are awesome...thanks!**Alright...card deets!! This is my dad's Father's Day card (I am pretty sure he doesn't check this so I think I am safe in posting it!) I made him a "wallet". I saw a few different kinds on Splitcoast and after looking at all of them I just kinda made my own version. It is actually a pretty simple card...just adding all the details takes a little time. For the base of the card I used a piece of chocolate chip paper and folded it in half long ways. I trimmed off about 3/4 of an inch to get that first "pocket" in the wallet the one where the $$ would normally go. Then I just started adding more pieces to get the couple of other pockets I wanted. I took some pieces of Close to Cocoa paper and ran them through my Cuttlebug and then sponged them up with chocolate chip ink to give it that leathery worn wallet look. The part of the wallet where your license goes...I decided to use a stamp from the Bronc Buster set. I stamped the sentiment on vanilla paper in chocolate chip ink and spritzed the paper with close to cocoa and creamy caramel. I adhered that part to the base of the wallet. Then I cut out an oval out and put a piece of acetate behind it and popped it up on dimensionals. I added pewter brads and some tabs to the pull out papers. (that will be where we all sign and leave a little message for my dad) Oh last thing...the Happy Father's Day on the front is just from my computer cuz I didn't have a father's day stamp. I outlined the words with my caramel marker and used the color spritzer all over it with caramel and cocoa markers. THANKS for stopping by!!
chat at ya later!...
what's in it?...
stamps...Bronc Buster, Back of Card set (MSE)

paper...chocolate chip, close to cocoa, very vanilla

ink...chocolate chip, close to cocoa, creamy caramel

accessories...pewter brads, acetate, taupe ribbon

other...stamp-a-ma-jig, Cuttlebug and embossing folder, word window & tab punch, color spritzer, dimensionals, sponge, corner rounder, star punch oval cutter (CM)


Anonymous said...

You did an amazing job on this wallet card!! I have seen many, but yours by far is the best. I showed it to my hubby and he was very impressed too. Your father is going to LOVE it!!! Thank you so very much for sharing your incredible creation. It is definitely appreciated. Have a wonderful Wednesday:o)
(SCS: Aunt Carol)

Linda McClain said...

Oh wow . . . I've seen other versions of this, but none as great as this one. I love it! I love the texture, all the little embellishments. You really nailed it. Ah man, I may have to CASE this.

Anonymous said...

Excellent job. I love it. Very complex.

Project Create said...

Wow, what a great wallet...and it is because of beautiful work like that that I am nominating you for the Arte y Pico award. For all the details see my Blog at

Anonymous said...

Oh so funny- did you pick a wallet becuase it is a cute Father's Day thing or because of the nickname you guys call your dad? Eiter way he will love it but guarantee one of the first things he asks is where is the money that goes in it. :) Love it- if I was smart enough I should of had you make something for Adam since I am uncapable right now- oh well.

Christyne said...

This is UBER cute and I may just need to swipe your idea for my DH. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Tara - you always have the best ideas! I really enjoy your blog :)

Tamara said...

Wow Tara! I made a wallet too, but yours is sooooo much cooler! I love it!

Anonymous said...

SOOO cute! I love looking at your blog everyday, it's so inspirational!

Anonymous said...

I love is adorable. Looks very real!

MEL said...

This is the cutest Wallet card I've seen so far. Just looking at it I smell leather...weird, right??? Awesome jod.

Lori said...

Enjoy your blog! The Wallet is really cute!


Anonymous said...

That looks so real! Great job! I wish I had time to do one. School is driving me bonkers this semester. I am also jealous that you have an Archiver's by you! I have never been to one. Houston and St. Louis are the closest ones to the Dallas area! Have a great week!

Angie Tieman said...

First, Congrats on your Blogaversary! You're awesome, and I'm so glad you're my blogging buddy! Second, I am so glad I did not see your Father's Day wallet before I mailed my Father's Day gifts/cards, because you put me to shame! This is amazing!! All the texture and details, wow! Great job!

Anonymous said...

What a great wallet! I've seen a few on SCS, and I like how you put texture on with the cuttlebug. Thanks for offering blog candy and congrats on yor first year!

Denise said...

The wallet is great! I love the CB texture! Thanks for a chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I like what you did with the wallet idea.
I'm jealous you are heading to Archiver's haven't been there in ages....enjoy the day
SCS belledancr

JB-Crafting Supplies said...

Wow lovely wallet! I have not seen one of these before. Love the embellishments and texture.


Laurel said...

Wow, amazing. The wallet looks so real, I love the texture of it!

Tiffany said...

Hey Girl this is AWESOME!! Im running upstairs right now to get making one! COngrats on your 1 yr. Anniversary of blogging! I love seeing all your creations, wish I was there!! Big hugs,

Kim said...

Happy blogaversary! I just recently started my own blog and somehow found you and I love your creations! Your wallet is GREAT, it looks so real! May have to give it a try!! Thanks for your inspiration

Anonymous said...

Love it. Awesome job. Love this walet more then any other I have seen so far. Congrates on the ann.

ThreadCatcher said...

Another vote for a great version of the wallet card. Thanks for writing up all the details so I can do something similar. I've been searching all over for the cute hula girl stamp...keeping my fingers crossed that you pick me! jmniffer

Anonymous said...

Happy blogaversary!!! Thanks for the chance to win all those great prizes!!! I really enjoy your blog!!!

Susan (susiestampalot) said...

tara, happy blogaversary!! this wallet is amazing! it must have taken the whole day to make!! i will have to try it...i'm so glad i "came over" today and saw your awesome blog!

Mollie said...

I love your blog and your wallet is absolutely amazing!

My eight year old is drooling over the blog candy. I'm going to have to go find her some of the little penguin paper:o)

I hope your day is fabulous!

Nancy Riley said...

Happy Blogversary, Tara! We started our blogs within days of each other! Time flies when you're having fun, huh?!

LOVE your version of the Father's Day Wallet! It has been so much fun seeing so many different versions of my friend, Lorri Heiling's original idea!

Sarah said...

WOW! That wallet/card is stunning. I would love to see the link to a tutorial if you could! I love it!

Thanks for sharing and giving us this chance for some yummy treats!

Super Angie Супер Энджи said...

That is a freaking cute wallet!!!

Linda SS said...

What an awesome Father's Day card - best one I've seen!!!

Carpenter's said...

This is so darling and it looks REAL!! What a creative mind you have! I have seen SCS ones and yours takes the cake! Thanks for sharing.

Courtney C.

Anonymous said...

This is just wonderful! Since I was a kid, I've always given my dad his wallet. When I saw him last year, he had a new one. Guess I waited too long. But, I can now give him an "updated" model. Thanks so much for the inspiration on this, and all you do!

Anonymous said...

That wallet is awesome!! I love the detail and the look of the faux leather. Sooooo sooooo cool!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! That card looks amazing. It really looks like a real wallet. Phenominal job!!

Jenn said...

OMG!! I am catching up from the weekend!! Love love love the wallet, and the aprons!!! Too cute!!